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New Auction Jan 8th Bidding is open . Today is Wed11:40 am
January 8 Happy new year Some more bids are posted.Alll bids updated
Auction ends in less two hours
This Auction ends Wednesday January 8 th at 1 pm.
Lot#1: Complete set with stickers Alf mint. ( 5 ) $5
Lot#2: Complete set Growing pains mint ( 5 ) $5
Lot#3: Complete set Grossville high mint. ( 5 ) $5
Lot#4: Fright flicks sticker set mit. ( 4 )
Lot#5: Batman topps series 2 132 cards with stickerx 1989 mint. ( 5 ) $5
Lot#6: Howard the Duck complete set 77cards 22 sticker. Mt. ( 5 ) $5
Lot#7: Harry and the Hendersons complete sete with stickers mt. ( 5 ) $5
Lot#8: Complete set Ali world boxing with gold, ( 12 ) $13
Lot#9: Complete set Michael Jackson series 1 stickers series 1 and 2 with 3 gum packs.(10 )
Lot#10: Complete set Leaver it to beaver 1983 pacific mt ( 15 ) $31
Lot#11: Ghost Busters II complete sticker set mt. ( 4 ) $6
Lot#12: Rocky II emply box. ( 2 ) $2
Lot#13: Beatles series 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 13 14 16 17 18 14 cds. ( 5 ) $11
Lot#14:Beatles series 1 bw average vg-vgx 20 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 31 32. ( 5 ) $12
Lot#15: Beatles series 1 avg vgx to ex. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 and 43.( 5 ) $11
Lot#16: Beatles series 1 avg vgx to ex 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 and 55. ( 5 ) $11
Lot#17: 1961 leaf spook stories 96 80 113 and 120 vgx. ( 4 ) $13
Lot#18: 1965 ugly sticker steve barry stan susan mitch rita and paul. ( 5 )
Lot#19: Combat #3 ex 43 ex 8 vgx+ 41 ex and 34 ex. ( 4 ) $10
Lot#20: Green Hornet 4 vg cr 7 creased 8 vgx 9 vg cr 11 vg 17 oc 22 vgx 25 vg.( 3 ) $8
Lot#21: Man from Uncle #52 exmt 6 vg 2 g 34 37 25 low grade #39 ex 7 others in lo grade #38 ex 325 in good #35 with tape. Some of low grades have tape. ( 4 ) $7
Lot#22: Partial sets Happy days blue nm missing #12 #27 and #27. ( 12 ) $12
Lot#23: Parial set Man from uncle mssing 13 15 18 19 20 21 26 28 and 55. Some nice some low grade one with paper loss. ( 10 ) $15
Lot#24: Batman black partial set only missing #1 Includeds #2 the set averages vg to vgx with a few worse and a few better. ( 35 ) $53
Lot#25: Post card airplanes art john Bryne Co copyright from 1973 to 1975 very nice art work McDonnel-Douglas Bweing model 747 Lockheed Constellation l-049 9 different. ( 4 ) $6
Lot#26: Post card airplanes same but dfferent planes similar to lot#25 Douglas DC-4 Boeing model 377 eight different ( 4 ) $4
Lot#27: Post card airplanes not paper thin like a regular post card lockhead vega curtiss falcon ryan M-1 swallow copyright 1973 ten different. ( 4 ) $4
Lot#28: Batman Riddler #2 boy wonder vg+ #19 fair #20 g cr 24 25 25 vg 28 g 29 vg ( 5 ) $8
Lot#29: Batman Riddler 31 32 36 and 37. All very good. ( 3 ) $14
Lot#30: Wacky packages 15th checklist two 10th series one sixth series unchecked. ( 3)
Lot#31: Wacky packages checklists 6th 7th two 10th series 4th series unchecked. ( 3 )
Lot#32:Wacky packages checklists two #10 series 3rd series 6th series two more 6th series 3 rd series unchecked one grave train no series identified and one one that was check 6th series. ( 4 )
Lot#33: Jets 1956 nm 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 27 29 12 30 11 31 32 33 34 37 37 38. 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 s53 and 54.( 6 )$23
Lot#34: Jets 1956 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 63 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 and 105. Exmt to nm.( 8 ) $23
Lot#35: Red Menace 1951 bowman ex #37 and #5 Hill 303 vgx. ( 12 )
Lot#36: red Menace #9 eccellent police state. ( 9 ) $9
Lot#37: Red Menace #16 excellent and #11 ex fleeing the reds. ( 12 ) $12
Lot#38: Nu card Dinosaur #8 ex #4 near mint #16 exmt. ( 10 ) $14
Lot#39:dinosaur Nu Card #65 near mint and #64 near mint. ( 10 ) $11
Lot#40: Dinosaur nu card #56 near mint and #51 near mint. ( 10 ) $14
Lot#41: Dinosaur nu card #29 exmt and #18 near mint. ( 9 ) $10
Lot#42:Civil War news #19 exmt #35 ex 38 vg #28 ex. ( 5 ) $10
Lot#43:Civil War news #78 vgx 53 exmt #63 ex 85 exmt and 77 poor. ( 5) $9
Lot#44: Aviators lith0 #5 neumann Louise Thaden #10 16 pangborin #19 Jack Frye ex+ and Phoebe Omlie n0.20 exmt ( 6 ) $6
Lot#45: Space cards blue 1957 #21 exmt 83 nm 70 nm #14 exmt ( 5 ) $15
Lot#46: Popsicle space cards #3 exmt+ #6 ex and #23 nm. ( 5 ) $13
Lot#47: Airplanes 1952 good luck margarine #1 vgx #2 ex #3 fair. ( 6 )
Lot#48: Airplanes 1952 good luck F332 #4 good #5 vgx #6 vg #7 vg. ( 6 ) $7
Lot#49: Airplanes 1952 good luck margarine #8 vgx #9 ex #10 vgx. ( 6 ) $8
Lot#50: Airplanes 1952 F332 #11 exmt #12 ex #13 ex+ and #14 ex. ( 8 ) $9
Lot#51:Airplanes 1952 F332 good luck margarine is a breakup of a complete set of cards.This group is a breakdown of high or second series scarcer.#17 nm #18 exmt and #19 ex. ( 12 ) $16
Lot#52: Airplanes 1952 good luck #20 ex 21 vgx and #22 Folland vgx. ( 11 )$15
Lot#53: Airplanes 1952 F332 #23 vgx 24 vg and #25 vgx. Scarce cards.( 12 )
Lot#54: Airplanes 1952#26 dassault mystere vgx #27 ex Vickers valient ( 8 )
Lot#55: Airplanes 1952 #28 ex #29 ex330 avro Vulcan speed over 600 mph.(12 ) $14
Lot#56: Airplanes 1952 good luck the last two cards complete the set 31 exmt and #32 ex. The low numbers list in bible for $6 and high numbes 17-32 list for $8. First time I every saw the whole set
The above lots 47 to 56 would comprise the complete set of Airplanes. ( 10 ) $10
Lot#57: NBC 1952 #5 fair #10 vgx #13 ex #24 vg #25 fair. ( 3 ) $3
Lot#58:NBc 1952 #24 good #31 vg #32 vgx and #33 vg. ( 3 ) $7
Lot#59: NBC 1952 #10 vgx #10 ex+ #27 vgx and #12 ex. ( 5 ) $9
Lot#60: NBC 1952 #34 vgx #16 good Pinky lee #17 good #35 good. ( 3 ) $3
Lot#61: Zorro #16 vgx #36 vg #32 exmt #47 ex #81 vgx and #80 vgx. ( 4) $11
Lot#62: Frontier Days 1953 #18 g #26 vg #40 vgx #20 vg #45 vgx. ( 3 ) $5
Lot#63: Frontier Days #46 vg #2 vg #77 ex #22 ex #40 vg #19 good.( 4 ) $5
Lot#64: Frontier days 1953 345 g 23 vg 335 good #109 fair #102 fair. ( 3 ) $3
Lot#65: casper #10 vg#24 vg #40 ex #1 with pencil upper left key card #57 vg. ( 4 ) $12
Lot#66: casper #10 vg #14 vg #15 vgx and d#20 ex. ( 4 ) $7
Lot#67: Casper #10 vgx #24 vgx #28 exmt ( 4 ) $8
Lot#68:Casper #29 vgx #31 nm but o/c #33 good and #34 vg (3 ) $11
Lot#69: Casper #35 vgx #40 good and #52 very good. ( 3 ) $4
Lot#70: Adventure 1956 #45 ex #25 nm #75 nm #99 exmt #46 exmt. ( 3 ) $3
Lot#71: Adventure #83 exmt 4 nm 7 nm 65 exmt 66 nm 30 exmt29 nm. ( 4 ) $4
Lot#72: Adventure 1956 #28 exmt 27 nm 16 exmt 15 exmt #14 nm. ( 4 ) $4
Lot#73: Adventure 1956 #12 nm #13 exmt #2 nm #40 nm #46 nm and #45 nm.( 4 ) $4
Lot#74: Sgt Preston and King #1 1950 ex #7 ex #9 exmt #14 vgx and #16 ex. ( 4 ) $11
Lot#75: Sgt Preston #16 exmt 1956 #18 ex challenge of Yukon 19 ex challenge 20 chalenge ( 4 ) $9
Lot#76: Sgt Preston #21 challenge exmt #24 ex 1950 32 nm 1950 34 ex challenge ( 4 ) $9
Lot#77: Sgt Preston 1956 #35 log jam nm and #36 last card exmt+ 1956. ( 3 ) $9
Lot#78: 1975 Bread cards know your states Kentucky louisiana alabama calf Colorado and Washington six different states vgx to ex. ( 3 ) $3
Lot#79: Cardo cards 1950s R754 c6 exmt C7 ex C16 vgx c30 exmt T5 exmt T6 ex. ( 4 ) $4
Lot#80: Cardo cards R754 c30 ex+ T9 exmt T13 exmt T20 ex W3 Jefferson exmt. ( 4 ) $4
Lot#81: Wilbur chocolate flag set of 35 cards . Card number 36 was a premium and almost impossible to find Your to send the names and addresses of four of your friends to obtain an album and card #36. ( 12 ) $15
Lot#82: Hamilton bubble gum cards mitzi Gaynor #68 # 57 provine #76 #92 #90 Brigio Bazlen #91 Gene Kelly #14 Ed Bynes #62 nina shipman all vgx to ex one green back rest red. Byrnes is poor. ( 4 ) $12
Lot#83: Hamilton bubble gum #73 pat Boone vgx 67 joyce talor vg #10 Frank Avalon vg#25 Rick Nelson fair #19 Janet Leigh vg #24 luana patten lucky card vg. ( 4 ) $13
Lot#84: Hamilton bubble gum lucky card #45 lafret #84 carol wells vg #43 Debbie Reynolds vgx #65 Troy Donahue good and #67 Joyce Taylor vg. ( 4 ) $7
Lot#85:Hamilton bubble movie stars Anthony perkins good #42 #93 mac rae vgx #96 steven boyd vg cr #16 Shirley jonex vg and Sandra Dee #66 vg. ( 4 )
Lot#86: hopalong Cassidy 1950 R712-2 #17 vg #117 vgx #116 good #115 fair. ( 4 ) $5
Lot#87:Hopalong Cassidy 1950 #10 good #103 fair 67 poor 65 g and 55 good. ( 3 ) $4
Lot#88: Hopalong Cassidy R712-2 #31 g #25 poor 153 p 152 fair 146 fair 142 fasir.( 3 ) $4
Lot#89: Hopalong Cassidy 1950 #136 fair 172 vg 169 g 116 fair+ 115 p 114 p. ( 3 ) $4
Lot#90: Hopalong Cassidy #112 fair 111 g 108 g 107 vg 106 fair and #104 fair. ( 3 ) $4
Lot#91: Hopalong Cassidy 1950 #139 #137 fair #136 g #128 p 124 fair and #120 vg.( 3 ) $4
Lot#92: Hopalog Cassidy 1950 #185 good 103 good #145 fair #152 vg 153 vgx.( 3 ) $4
Lot#93: Look ne See 1952 #132 good 100 g 95 vgxx #85 vg and #62 poor. ( 4 ) $4
Lot#94: Look ne see #19 fair cr #93 vg #119 good #124 vgx #92 vg. ( 4 ) $4
Lot#95: R-701-15 tv radio stars 92 vg 34 vgx 52 ex 64 ex #76 vg and 78 vg.( 3 ) $4
Lot#96: TV radio stars #82 exmt 84 vg 92 exmt 94 vg 96 ex and #90 vgx. ( 3 )$3
Lot#97: TV radio stars #34 vgx 36 vgx 52 ex 46 vg 70 vg 89 vg. ( 4 ) $4
Lot#98: TV radio stars #56 exmt 40 vgx #26 vgx #18 exmt #72 vgx. ( 4 ) $4
Lot#99: TV Westerns R712-4 #54 vgx 58 vgcx last card 71 vgx and #63 vg.( 3 ) $3
Lot#100: Kane production 1955 #28 vgx #7 exmt #8 exmt #9 exmt. #17 exmt. ( 5 ) $6
Lot#101: Kane production 1955 #19 Ryan nm #24 exmt #25 Steiger vgx #27 exmt #35 terry moore nm ( 5 ) $6
Lot#102: Kane production 1955 #37 nm #38 Fontaine nm #43 Roland nm ( 4 )
Lot#103: Kane production 1955 #59 exmt #62 exmt #17 nm and #6 nm. ( 5 )
Lot#104: Scoops 1954 #9 vg #12 fair #28 good #44 vg and 54 vg. ( 4 ) $4
Lot#105: Scoops 1954 #57 vg #60 good 61 good 68 vgx and 76 good. ( 4 ) $4
Lotr#106: Scoops 1954 #5 vg 7 g 19vgx #17 Titanic sinks fair #108 good. ( 4 )
Lot#107: Scoops 1954 #115 g #117 fair 30 vgx #35 vg #54 vg 94 vgx.( 4 )
Lot#108: Scoops 1954 98 Fair+ #62 vg #70 vgx #12 vg #68 ex and #94 good. ( 4 ) $4
Lot#109:Roundup 1956 #68 vg #69 vg #20 vg #26 vg and #68 ex. ( 3 )$3
Lot#110: Roundup 1956 #68 exmt #18 vgx #5 vgx #43 ex and #40 good. ( 3 ) $3
Lot#111:Crockett Green #27 vg cr #57 g cr #58 vg #57 vgx #47 vg and #42 fair. ( 3 ) $7
Lot#112: Crockett green #34 good 32 fair 29 vg cr #58 g 79 g 64 g cr. 35 poor ( 2 ) $7
Lot#113: Crockett orange 1956 #5 h 51 good 61 vg 64 g 68 vg 74 f. ( 3) $7
Lot#114: Mixed Lot Wings 119 113 79 75 avg good rails sails 2 21 20 19 7 8 some ex but rest low grade us naval victories #6 vg #79 crockett green fair 1952 #35 waterman tv raidio ex 1953 tv and radio stasrs 56 vg 89 ex and #96 vgx ( 4 ) $7
Lot#115: Freedoms War #55 vgx 51 ex 34 vgx 61 ex 1950 #32 vgx ( 3 ) $3
Lot#116:Freedoms War #29 vg #24 vgx 22 g 17 vgx #15 vg #10 good 61 good ( 3 ) $3
Lot#117: R709-2 1950 freedoms war #150 vgx 154 f #22 g 90 #143 vg grey 67 good.( 3 ) $3
Lot#118: Freedom war 1950 #169 vg 161 vg #11 good 107 grey vg 155 vg 131 vg 191 f ( 3 ) $3
Lot#119: Freedoms war 1950 131 g 163 f 156 g 150 vg 196 g 188 g cr 181 f ( 3 ) $3
Lot#120: Freedoms war 168 g 155 f 152 g 15 vgx 9 vgx 17 vg 25 g 64 g 69 vg. ( 3 ) $3
Lot#121: Freedoms war 1950 171 dex 104 vg 115 f #124 vg 134 g 139 f 187 grey vg 86 grey vgx.(3 ) $3
Lot#122: Freedoms war 1950 #164 vg 188 vg 167 vg 197 g 190 g 85 vg 88 vg 176 g. ( 3) $3
Lot#123: Freedoms war 173 vg 170 g j61 f 64 g 191 vg #180 vg. #65 vg. ( 3 ) $3
Lot#124: Freedoms war #67 vg 72 g 91 g 117 g 128 g 192 vg 188 vg cr 196 ex. ( 4 ) $4
Lot#125: Mixed Lot Green hornet avg vex 43 43 30 27 27 4 tarzan savage firu #13 nm #35 civil war news exmt spins and needles nm#10 #45 garrison Guerillas vgx. ( 4 ) $19
Lot#126: Ring side boxing #74 good #33 cartier vg+ sm cr#9 dusek brothers #9 glue back ( 4 ) $9
Lot#127: Ringside boxing 1951 #48 vgx #94 ex cr ( 4 ) $10
Lot#128: Ringside boxing #81 ex mis #63 canzoneri g/vg and #29 vgx+. ( 4 ) $9
Lot#129:R44 dick Tracy 1930s #1 fair #89 good #88 fair #5 fair+ and #41 poor. ( 4 ) $18
Lot#130:R44 Dick Tracy 1930s #69 good #85 good #5 poor #87 fair ( 4 ) $4
Lot#131:R44 Dick Tracy 1930s #89 g/vg 134 poor 125 f 137 poor ( 3 ) $4
Lot#132: Horrors of War #130 vgx #136 g #139 g #141 fair+ and #144 fair+. ( 4 ) $5
Lot#133: Horrors of War #141 vg #139 vgx #159 vgx and #173 fair plus rounded corners.(4 ) $5
Lot#134: Horrors of War #181 p 184 good 136 vg stains 189 vg and 192 fair. ( 4 ) $7
Lot#135: Horrors of war r69 #191 good #195 poor writing #266 g/vg and #274 fair+ ( 4 ) $7
Lot#136: Three stooges 1989 Bw 40 43 47 49 42 58 51 52 53 57 60 55 39 30. Mt ( 3 ) $3
Lot#137: Three stooges 1989 BW 39 38 33 47 49 60 53 51 58 26 22 27 21 29 mint( 3 ) $3
Lot#138: Three stooges 1989 22 26 53 58 49 39 17 12 15 19 28 16 60 4 9 mint(3) $3
Lot#139: Three stooges 1989 3 4 54 8 2 7 32 59 13 35 2 moe 57 45 and 5. Mt ( 3 ) $3
Lot#140:Harry Hendersons mt 23 26 22 21 28 24 26 23 25 26 36 30 35 38 25 29 24 30 32 31 31 38 35 35 34 38 30 36 42 42 47 41 45 49 43 41 51 52 55 55 50 54 57 58 59 57 51 60 69 sticker 17 sticker 16 72 76 checklist 77 71 73 75 74 73 and 76. ( 3 ) $3
Lot#141: Alf mint 15 18 19 16 7 6 4 10 9 2 8 8 20 22 23 25 29 23 22 12b 21b 13 14 44 42 41 43 40 #47 check list 34 30 35 31 36 46 45 41 42 sticker #10 sticker 7 ( 2 ) $2
Lot#142: Ghost Buster II 80 83 86 85 71 77 76 72 70 66 64 62 67 54 57 56 58 53 52 59 45 42 46 43 40 31 36 33 39 32 35 37 36 stickers #2 #3 and #7. ( 2 ) $2
Lot#143: Dick Tracy movie card series mt #1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 60 69 66 67 57 59 52 55 57 54 56 64 65 63 61 58 65 76 72 74 73 70 78 75 77 73 83 88 87 86 82 81 84 57 47 68 44 55 ( 2 ) $2
Lot#144: Coins half cent very fine + almost 200 years old. ( 65 ) $65
Lot#145: Coins 1835 large cent good to very good. ( 15 ) $15
Lot#146: Coins 1925 stone mountain comm au+ nice ( 50)
Lot#147:Coins 1834 bust half very fine dark around circle of coin. ( 70 ) $72
Lot#148: Coins 1837 large cent good to very good. ( 15 ) $15
Lot#149: Coins 1838 half dime and 1837 half dime no stars good. ( 12 ) $16
Lot#150: Coins 1926 sequicentennial half dollar bu ( 70 )
Lot#151:Coins barber quarters 1892 Good plus and 1912 good+.( 9 ) $9
Lot#152: Coins 1946 Booket T bu half and 1954-D Bu franklin half dollar. ( 18 ) $18
Lot#153:Coins 1833 bust half in good+ ( 50 ) $59
Lot#154:Coins Gem bu 1955 Ben Franklin half dollar. ( 12 ) $22
Lot#155:Coins ben franklin halves 1961-d bu dollar. (11 ) $14
Lot#156: Coins 1963 proof Ben Franklin halve dollar .( 15)$19
Lot#157:Wrappers partridge family 10 cent 4 kiss blue 2 superman new series 3 Dukes hazzards yellow three opee chee raiders of ark 3 superman II and 1 McHales Navy 5 cent. ( 3 ) $12
Lot#158:wrappers superman II sgt peppers 7 kiss blue thre dukes yellow one Partridge family red one pixie orange two raiders opeechee one A team in porr 1 superman new serie (4 ) $7
Lot#159:Wrappers Mchales navy 8 kiss blue 2 awewsome II stars 3 dukes hazzards yellow three raiders of lost ark opeechee one pixie orange 1985 WF pro wrestling. ( 4 ) $10
Lot#160: Wrappers 10 kiss blue McHales navy 5 cent 4 dukes of hazards yellow two raiders of lost asrk o pee chee partridge family 10 cent red ( 4 ) $9
Lot#161:Unopened packs jaws 2 superman II and mork and mindy. ( 3 ) $3
Lot#162: Unopened packs raiders of lost ark superman III little shop of horrors. ( 3 ) $3
Lot#163: unopened packs Et the black hole and Threes company. ( 3 ) $3
Lot#164: Unopened packs superman II jaws2 and ET. ( 3 ) $3
Lot#165: Unopened packs baseball 1989 topps 1991 topps and 1982 t.( 10 ) $10
Lot#166: unopened packs baseball 1981 donruss 1981 donruss and 1982 donruss ( 10 ) $14
Lot#167:Unopened packs baseball 1981 fleer two 1987 topps and 1 1989 topps.(7 ) $7
Lot#168: UNOPened box 1992 Score series 1 mattlingly on card on cover Joe D auto poss.( 10 )
Lot#169: Unopened box 1990 Donruss no lid but all packs are fresh. ( 10 ) $10
Lot#170: Coins Indian pennies 1880 g 1881 ag 1882 ag 1889 g 1898 g and 1902 g.( 4 ) $13
Lot#171: Coins Indian penny 1903 g 1905 g 1906 g 1909 g 1897 good 1887 ag. ( 3 ) $4
Lot#172: Coins 1881 ag 1866 g 1883 g damage 1904 g cl 1903 g cl 1909 g cl ( 3 ) $3
Lot#173: Coins 1800 half cent date clear damage on front and rim 1864 two cent poor 1867 two cent poor 1867 two cent good cleaned 1864 two cent ag cleaned. ( 4 ) $4
Lot#174: Coins 1835 half dime good ( 10) $10
) Lot#175: Coins errors 1910 thin coin peny without printing 1960d little date 1919 thin crushed penny.These cents are odd. Also two normal 1944d and 1915d good. ( 4) $4
Lot#176: Coins 1853 very fine seated quarter.(7 ) $50
Lot#177: Coins barber dimes 1905s ag 1907 xf cleaned 1909 g 1915 good. ( 8 ) $8
Lot#178: Coins three cent nickels 1865 filne 1870 x/f and 1878 very fine. ( 12) $37
Lot#179: Coins Morgan dollar 1897 au+ some dark marks on reverse. ( 27 ) $37
Lot#180:Coins 1934 gem bu Washington quarter. ( 12 ) $26
Lot#181: Coins walking liberty halves 1939 vf and 1946-a vf. ( 18 ) $23
Lot#182: Coins walking liberty halves 1944 AU++ and 1945 vf. ( 22) $26
Lot#183;Coins 1920 Pilgtram comm au dark coin. ( 30 ) $31
Lot#184: Coins Bu Ben Franklin 1954-d halve and 1909 barber halve good. ( 20 ) $20
Lot#185: Unopened cello pack 1983 49 cent pack with 28 cards. ( 7 ) $7
Lot#186: Weird Wheels 1980 Complete sticker set mt. ( 8 ) $8
Lot#187: PSA graded 1968 #24 Laugh-in nm 7 something to me! ( 12 )
Lot#188: PSA graded 1968 #27 laugh-in psa 6 e-mt. ( 10 )
Lot#189: PSA graded 1968 #28 nm 7 open mind. ( 12 )
Lot#190:PSA graded 1960 spins and needles #64 psa 8 nm-mt Bobby d fano ( 15 )
Lot#191: Coins 1941-d dime PCGS ms65FB mercury. ( 20 )
Lot#192: Coins 1882 PCGS vg 10 shield nickel ( 15 )
Lot#193: Coins 1945-s part silver war nickel MS 66. ( 15 )
Lot#194: Civil War news 1962 nm 7 graded by Beckett ( 12 )
Lot#195: Civil War news 1962 #19 nm 7 graded by Beckett ( 14 )
Lot#196: Civil War news 1962 #84 deadly arrows nm 7 graded by Beckett ( 15 )
Lot#197: The Simpsons 50 assorted mint cards with a few duplicatons.( 2 ) $2
Lot#198: The Simpsons 50 assorted mint cards with a few dupes.( 2 ) $2
Lot#199: Kayo boxing 1991 40+ assorted mt leonard Frazier Bowe Dempsey Liston J Lewis (3 ) $3
Lot#200: Kayo boxing 1991 Corbett Norton Louis Leonard Damato Foreman Pep 40 crs mt.(3 ) $3
Lot#201: Superman II rak pack scarce 48 picture cards.DC comics 1980 ( 6 ) $9
Lot#202: 1989 Griffey rookie possible four bowman unopened baseball packs. ( 5 ) $12
Lot#203: Unopened Box Hook 1991 55 cent packs super glossy movie cards stickers ( 8 ) $8
Lot#204:terror Monsters series 1963 Rosan Frankenstein #95 exmgt asnd #96 exmgt. ( 10 ) $15
Lot#205: Complete Set new kids on the block 88 cards and 11 stickers. Mint. ( 5 ) $6
Lot#206: Complete Set Who Framed Roger Rabbit mint 132 cards and 22 stickers.( 5 ) $6
Lot#207: Way-Out Wheels partial set #1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 10 16 16 20 11 12 12 14 15 17 #1 20 20 23 24 25 25 26 26 27 28 29 29 31 31 31 31 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 36 36 36 cards grade from vgx to nm mint with a lot of duplication. Dealer lot. ( 15 ) $15
Lot#208: Uncle Sams home defense #99 vgx 97 vgx and #98 vgx. ( 4 ) $12
Lot#209: Uncle Sams home defense #101 vgx #100 fair 102 fair 103 vg. ( 4 ) $9
Lot#210: Uncle sams home defense #104 fair+ 105 good 106 g 107 g 108 fair+.( 4 ) $7
Lot#211: License plates 1953 #44 ak 54 49 52 53 and #57. Avg ex to exmt.( 4 ) $5
Lot#212: license plates 1953 #59 nm 60 exmt 61 exmt 62 ex and #63 vgx. $2
Lot#213: License plates 1953 #64 exmt 66 ex 68 ex 71 vgx 72vgx and 74 vg. ( 4 ) $5
Lot#214: Knight Ridger 1982 52 mint cards includes #1 with some duplications. ( 3 ) $4
Lot#215:Inkworks 2003 Charmed power of three mint 72 card set. ( 3 )
Lot#216: Treasure Island Canadian Larger cards and better color 5 8 11 22 26 46 47 55 #57 #60 and #60 again elven cards in vgx to ex condition. Great color. ( 5 ) $7
Lot#217: Unopened pack Charlie Angels yellow red orange with angles in black. ( 12 ) $12
Lot#218: Magazines Famous Monsters of filmland #110 and #210 decent shape.( 15 ) $15
Lot#219: Magazines Famous Monsters #232-233 oct /nov and #242 may/June ex+ (16 ) $16
Lot#220: Magazines famous Monsters #69 London after midnight Lon Chaney. ( 12 ) $12
Lot#221: Magazine Famous Monsters of filmland #121 Dec 1975. ( 10 ) $13
Lot#222: Terror Monsters 1963 #98 exmt #100 exmt ( 8 ) $15
Lot#223: Terror Monsters 1963 rosan #102 nm and #107 nm. ( 9 ) $11
Lot#224: Terror Monsters 1963 rosan#101 exmt #72 exmtand #79 exmt. ( 12 ) $14
Lot#225: Fleer falsies crazy plastic items to hang on windows 1970 includes box.Listed on ebay for $32.95 pluss shipping. Great item not often seen. ( 10 ) $10
Lot#226: War Bulletin assorted lot of 12 with two dupes.grade from vg to excellent. ( 3 ) $6
Lot#227: Coins barber dimes 1907-s good 1914-d vg and 1912 vg. ( 6 ) $7
Lot#228: Coins walking liberty halves 1918-s very good and 1920-d good. ( 19 ) $22
Lot#229: Coins 1923-s peace dollar in xF+. ( 24 ) $24
Lot#230: Coins 1923 AU+ Peace dollar ( 25 ) $29
Lot#231: Cons 1923 bu peace dollar ( 26 ) $31
Lot#232: Coins standing liberty quartes 1927-s vg/fine and 1927 vg+. ( 10 ) $21
Lot#233: Coins standing liberty quarters 1930 very good a nd 1926 strong good.( 10 ) $11
Lot#234: Coins standing quarters 1928 xf/au and 1927 very fine. ( 12 ) $30
Lot#235: Coins standing liberty quarters xf 1925 and 1929 g/vg ( 11 ) $18
Lot236: Philly non-sport card pack given out at show jsson Brower on top. ( 2 ) $6
Lot#237: G-Men heroes of law #24 vg #23 vg #16 vgx and #13 vgx. ( 6 ) $7
Lot#238: G-Men heroes of law #18 vgx+ 206 good crs #169 vg lite crs ( 7 )$15
Lot#239: G-men heroes of law #142 vg #139 good #114 ex and #96 vgx. (7 ) $10
Lot#240: Flags of the world V 312-5 1970 20+ includes US and two Un diecuts ( 8 ) $9
Lot#241: Batman black #13 exmt #15 vgxz+ #16 ex 17 ex oc #18 ex #19 vg. ( 4 ) $10
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Lot#243: Flags 1956 #56 ex 3 vg #53 exmt 16 ex+ and #51 ex. ( 3) $3
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Merry Christmas Happy New Year and Happy Holliday Season.This ends jan 8th Wed.
I believe in sportsmanship first. The sport is the game, and we are all in it together. While I am very competitive, I also want to support all the competitors as we strive to make the sport of tennis great. I work every day to better myself and to better the game.
Your generous contributions have helped get me here! Thank you so much!
Thank you to everyone who has supported me and helped make my dreams come true! I couldn't have done it without you. Now it's time to get back to training!
Your support and contributions make it possible for me to continue my training. Your donation goes directly to my training and competition costs and helps me achieve my dreams.
Mary Lou Retton
The Field
I open up one practice every week to my supporters. Come for my practice and a question and answer session.
The Field
The Stadium
Cheer me on at my next tournament!
The Stadium
The Field
See me compete along side other athletes in this team event.
The Field
Sign up to hear my latest news and about special events!
My supporters mean the world to me. Do you have questions or comments about my training? Send me a message, and I will get back to you soon.
7500 West Side Avenue, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047, United States phone 215-822-1834 Email:
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