Signed in as:
March 12th 2025 .Today is Thursday Feb 13th 1000 am This auction is open for bidding.Some bids are in. .
This Auction ends Wed March 12th at 1 PM. 2025 If you would like to bid please email me at
Lot#1: Coins Jefferson nickel set complete from 1938 to 1961 with all war nickels silver.( 20 )
Lot#2: Coins Roosevelt Dimes Complete from 1946 to 1980-s from good to Bu $4.80 silver face plus 42 dimes clad mostly Bu including the San Francisco dimes. ( 95 ) $95
Lot#3: Coins partial set Buffalo nickels 55 diff missing 1913-s and d 14-d 15-s 21-s 24-s 26-s and 31-s. 1919 vf 20-s vg 21 f 23 f 24-d f 25-s vg 25-d f 28 xf 28-s vg 29-s vf 1934 vf 1935 vf 36 36-s vf 1937 xf
Overall some nice bufallos in this book. ( 40 ) $40
Lot#4: Coins Lincoln cents 1959 to 2004-s includes proofs 129 different dates some of the proofs about 12 are tarnished due to be in a Whitman coin book.Some of the Bu pennies are dark because same reason. Overall there are many proofs that are unharmed. ( 12 )
Lot#5: Unopened pack baseball 1982 Donruss Ripkin rookie ( 8 ) $8
Lot#6: Unopend pack baseball 1984 Topps . mattingly rookie. ( 8 )
Lot#7: Unopened packs close encounter Dune and supergirl. ( 3 )
Lot#8: unopend packs Dukes of zhazzard blue 1999 shark sense and favorite photo cards. ( 3 )
Lot#9: unopend packs American gladiators close encounter and dukes hazzard blue. ( 3)
Lot#10: unopened packs Et superman III and jaws 2. ( 3)
Lot#11: unopened packs superman II black hole raiders of lost ark. ( 3 )
Lot#12: unopened packs mork & mindy et and SupermanII. ( 3 )
Lot#13:unopened packs knight rider ET Harry and Hendersons., ( 3 )
Lot#14: unopened packs Dallas harry and henderson grease yellow. ( 3 )
Lot#15: Baseball unopened packs 1981 puzzle cards no gum and 1989 Fleer. ( 5 ) $5
Lot#16: Baseball unopened packs 1981 donruss puzzle & cards no gum 1991 topps.( 5 ) $5
Lot#17: Dogs 29 different Candad series of 60 gravy train cards. Ex to exmt. ( 18 )
Lot#18: Coins three barber dimes 1912-d xf 1916 good 1916-s ag ( 6 ) $8
Lot#19: Coins 1852 three cent silver vg and 1865 three cent silver ag. ( 8 )
Lot#20: Dogs Canada suger crisp grey back series of 45 cards blue border 12 differ exmt (8 )
Lot#21: Dogs Canada suger crisp series 45 blue border 11 different. ( 7 )
Lot#22: Bread labels cisco kid #1 with small missing piece #2 nice clean and #3 vgx. ( 6 )
Lot#23: Bread labels Cisco Kid #4 clean #6 clean nice ( 5 )
Lot#24: Bread labels Cisco kid #8 and #9 ex clean. ( 5 )
Lot#25: Bread labels Cisco kid #10 ex #12 vgx. ( 5 )
Lot#26: Bread labels Cisco kid Tip-top #13 vgx #15 vgx #16 ex. ( 5 )
Lot#27: Bread labels Cisco kid #19 vg and #25 ex+. ( 5 )
Lot#28: Davy Crockett complete set orange 1956 #1 good #6 vgx 9 through 16 vgx 17-32 mostly vgx but 26 26 27 28 are all ex or better 33-40 mostly vgx with 42 45 48 ex 49-56 51 52 53 are ex with rest vgx 57-64 vgx with #57 exmt 61 62 ex and 63 good, 65-80 vgx with 65 66 ex rest vgx with 74 ex. ( 50 )
Lot#29: Flying nun partial set missing only #2 to complete most cards are exmt with some nm and a few ex or less. No poor or very good cards. ( 70 )$70
Lot#30: Jets 1956 1 6 7 8 9 10 36 116 110 120 121 117 118 119 106 107 108 109 112 114 111 115 and 114 . most appear to be near mint. ( 4 ) $4
Lot#31: Wings cigarettes 33 different from A B and C series. Exmt to near mint. ( 6 )
Lot#32: Cardo planes eight different mainly from Aeroplanes Serice C-28 cards. ( 3 )
Lot#33: Mixed Lot 1957 planes 31 32 40 41 43 45 ex to exmt 1957 space cards 10 58 66 ex to exmt rails and sails 60 61 58 53 49 32 144 149 150 these average good to very good. Some less. ( 3 ) $3
Lot#34: Baseball traded sets 1988 topps 1985 Fleer and 1987 classic minatures 120 cards + 18 stickers.( 5 )
Lot#35: Baseball Fleer 1988 factory set mint ( 7 )
Lot#36: Baseball Donruss 1989 traded edition 1987 donruss highlights set and 1985 topps traded. ( 6 )
Lot#37: Beatles 3rd series #133 nm #132 near mint #131 exmt 128 nm 126 nm 124 nm. ( 3 )
Lot#38: bealtes 3 rd series #125 nm 123 nm 121 ex 122 nm 121 nm 120 exmt. ( 3 )
Lot#39: Beatles 3rd series #119 exmt 139 nm 143 exmt 145 nm 134 nm 156 nm158 ex.( 4 )
Lot#40: Beatles 3rd series #158 nm #161 nm 152 nm 151 nm 150 nm 149 exmt. ( 4 )
Lot#41: Beatles 3rd series #149 exmt 148 exmt 146 nm 135 exmt 136 exmt 137 exmt 133 exmt( 3 )
Lot#42: Beatles 3rd series #133 nm 130 nm 159 exmt 129 nm 128 nm 132 exmt. ( 4 )
Lot#43: Beatles hard days night 2 vgx 4 exmt 7 exmt 8 exmt 13ex 21 ex 34 nm 45exmt 52exmt ( 5 )
Lot#44: Beatles 2nd series 75 vgx 73 nm 68 ex 66 exmt 64 ex 73 exmt 77 nm. ( 4 )
Lot#45: bealtes 2nd series #77 nm 78 ex 76 ex 81 ex 85 ex 86 ex 87 exmt 93 exmt.( 4 )
Lot#46: Beatles 2nd series 93 ex 94 vgx 95 ex 96 ex 104 vgx 108 vgx 112 vgx 113 vg 114 vgx (4 )
Lot#47: Bealtes 2nd series #115 exmt 114 exmt 111 ex 108vg 105 ex 104 vgx 96 ex 95 exmt. ( 3 )
Lot#48: Green Hornet #40vgx #36 vgx #35 vg #31 vgx and #30 vgx ( 4 )$4
Lot#49: Green Hornet #22 vgx #26 vgx #21 vgx #19 vg and #17 vg. ( 3 ) $6
Lot#50: Green Hornet #16 ex 15 vgx 11 vg #10 vg and #9 vg. ( 3) $6
Lot#51: Green Hornet #1 vgx cr #3 vgx 4 vg 5 fair 7 vg and 8 good. ( 5 ) $3
Lot#52: Philly non-sports show celebrating 80th show may 18-19 2024.pack. ( 3 )
Lot#53: Happy Days stickers 1976 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 and 11. Plus two six mil dollar play crds.( 4 ) $4
Lot#54: Three Stooges 1989 black white 15 36 9 24 10 3 4 18 19 43 25 36 48 13 19 ( 3 )
Lot#55: Three stooges 1989 BW #1 Curley 28 46 52 12 60 5 54 33 42 56 19 54 14 mint.( 5 )
Lot#56: Three stooges 1989 bw #2 larry 11 23 57 30 31 53 26 47 39 53 43 34 29 mint.( 5 )
Lot#57:Af 1987 assorted thirty cards mint with duplication especially would you buy car ( 2)
Lot#58: Gremlin 2 assorted 40 assorted mint cards.1990. ( 2 )
Lot#59: Gremlins 2 1990 44 assorted mint cards. ( 2 )
Lot#60: Impel walt Disney world tour favorite stories mick don goofy 49 mint ass. ( 2 )
Lot#61:Impel walt Disney family portraits favorite stories pluto minnie ass 55 mt. ( 3 )
Lot#62: Simpsons 1990 45 assorted near mint cards not many dupes. ( 3 )
Lot#63: Wrappers Three stooges five cent Et Garbage pail series 3 five kiss blue ( 3 ) $3
Lot#64: Wrappers Mchales navy 5 kiss blue dukes of hazards yellow and 1965 stooges 5 cent.( 5 ) $6
Lot#65: wrappers 1971 Partridge family 10 cent dukes of hazzrds yelklow a five cent Mchales Navy four kiss blue and five cent three stooges 1965. ( 5 ) $5
Lot#66: three stooges color #65 opera good #73 fair #95 good and #59 fair. ( 3 ) $3
Lot#67: Batman blue puzzle #38 vg 33 good #35 good #25 vg and #33 good.( 3 )
Lot#68: Mixed Lot beatles 2nd series 108 102 106 101 95 87 and 62 vgx to ex #117 freedoms war good rails and sails poor to fair+ 34 135 78 76 73. Addams family #20 exmt 1936 Bronco Bill #417 g crs backon back none on front. Blank back. ( 4 ) $4
Lot#69: Planet of Apes Canada #1 key vgx #28 and #30 vgx. ( 3 )
Lot#70: Horrible horoscopes #1 vgx 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 and 16. Mostly exmt to nm.( 4 )
Lot#71: Horrible horoscope #17 nm 18 exmt 19 exmt 21 exmt 22 exmt 23 exmt 24 exmt 25nm.( 4 )
Lot#72: Horrible horoscope #26 nm 27 nm 28 exmt 30 ex 33 erx #34 exmt 35 nm 36 nm 37 nm ( 4 )
Lot#73: Horrible horoscope 38 ex 39 exmt 40 nm 41 ex 42 good 43 exmt #44 ex and #45 vgx 46 ex.(4 )
Lot#74: Horrible horoscopes #47 vg 48 nm 49 exmt 50 vgx 51 ex 53exmt 55 ex 56exmt 57ex 58 ex.(4 )
Lot#75: Aviation chewing gum blank back #31 g 177 vg and #28 good. ( 3 )
Lot#76: Aviation chewing gum #126 good 127 good 128 good + and 132 good. ( 4 )
Lot#77: Aviation chewing gum 133 good 129 vg 135 g and 136 good+. ( 4 )
Lot#78: Aviation chewing gum #144 g #151 good 150 good and 152 good+. ( 4 )
Lot#79: Aviation chewing gum #162 good 161 good 125 g and 113 good. ( 4 )
Lot#80:Aviation chewing black backs #106 g 109 g 104 good+ and 99 good+. ( 4 )
Lot#81: Aviation chewing blank #98 vg 87 g 51 good and #52 good. And 123 good.( 5 )
Lot#82: Rock & Roll nucards #1 Paul Anka #2 annette #3 Frank Avalone #5 bellnotes. ( 3 )
Lot#83: Rock & Roll nucards #6 chuck Berry 7 boone 8 bryant and #9 Byrnes ( 3 )
Lot#84: Rock & Roll nucards #10 brewer #11 John Cash and #12 Chordettes ( 4 )
Lot#85: Rock & Roll nucard#13 Cole #14 como #15 sam Cooke and crests( 3 )
Lot#86: Rock & Roll nucards #16 crests 17 Darren 18 Bobby darin #19 Dion. ( 3 )
Lot#87: Rock & Roll nucards #20 Eddy 21 Everly borthers 22 fabian 23 Flamingos ( 3 )
Lot#88: Rock & Roll nucards 24 fleetwoods #25 four lads 26 connie francis 27 impalas ( 3 ) $3
Lot#89:Rock & Roll nucards #28 james 29 Lawrence 30 peggy lee #32 Mathias ( 3 ) $3
Lot#90: Rock & Roll nucards 33 Mcguiere sisters 34 Nash #35 Rick Nelson. ( 3 )$3
Lot#91: Rock & Roll nucard #39 prima 40 santo & john jajck scott and skip & flip.( 3 ) $3
Lot#92: Rock & Roll nucard #44 skyliners 45 keely smith sarah 51 and 52 dinah.( 3 ) $3
Lot#93: Rock & Roll nucard 54 Platters 53 williams 57 bill & lil 56 cortez. ( 4 ) $4
Lot#94: Rock & Roll nucard 24 63 ruth brown 61 mystics and 59 sands. ( 3 ) $3
Lot#95: Mixed Lot Three stooges #94 color Casper #35 vg and #32 vg bat laffs 4 53 54 Fair++ wings #78 freedoms war 176 179 173 171 avg good four garrison gorillas cards in fair +. ( 3) $3
Lot#96: Mixed Lot bat laffs #3 the joker good two garrison gorelis fair four aviation chewing gum 41 56 114 148 fair to good Wings 57 26 and 2 avg good 1967 planet of apes 4 diff ex+ #137 rails sails g.( 3 )
Lot#97: Mixed Lot #55 bring um back vg 7 odd rodd stickers 12 45 26 28 and #31 all bat laffs avg goo freedoms war #129 g four new card weserns trimmed four wings in fair+. ( 3 ) ( 2 )
Lot#98: Mixed Lot Aviation chewing gim 8 47 20 180 103 fair+ four nucard tv westersn trimmed Richard moore in saint #55 rails and sails 148 143 148 142 142 all in fair casper #36 good ( 2 )
Lot#99: Mixed Lot 2 odd rods aviation chewing gum 4 5 64 76 145 130 179 average fair bat laffs 33 g 32 fair 35 fair #39 good #15 fair + three trimmed nu cards 1950 new Mexico license plate good.( 2 ) $2
Lot#100: Mixed Lot bat laffs @19 g and #2 good freedoms war 170 169 122 162 160 all good to very good 7 monkee cards from various series 1 welcome back kotter happy horoscopes 66 67 55 56 58 57 63 71 mostly nm laugh-in #52 and #67. Two beatles color 24 43 vg two packs superman ii ( 3 ) $3
Lot#101: Bread label 1950s walt Disney yellow characters bambi bashful and bongo ( 3 )
Lot#102: bread labels 1950s Disney yellow Bongo brer bear brer fox. ( 3 )
Lot#103: Bread labels 1950s Disney yellow characters brer rabbit s cleo and Daisy Duck. ( 3)
Lot#104; bread labels 1950 disney yellow characters danny Dewey and Doc. ( 4 )
Lot#105: Bread labels 1950 Disney yellow characters Three different Donald Ducks ( 4 )
Lot#106: Bread labels 1950s Disney dopey dumbo and fiddler pig. ( 4 )
Lot#107:bread labels 1950s Disney yellow figaro fifer pig flower and flying donkey.( 4 )
Lot#108: Bread labels 1950s Disney yellow characters Geppetto Goofy Grumpy ( 4 )
Lot#109: Bread labels 1950s Disney yellow characters Hiawatha and huey ( 4 )
Lot#110: Bread labels 1950s Disney yellow characters jiminy cricket joe Ciarca and Louie ( 4 )
Lot#111:bread labels 1950 Disney yellow characters lulubelle max hare Mickey mouse ( 4 )
Lot#112: Bread labels 1950 Disney yellow characters minnie monty morty and owl. ( 4 )
Lot#113: Bread labels 1950 Disney yellow charascters pablo Panchito and pedro. ( 4 )
Lot#114: Bread labels 1950 Disney characters Pinocchio pluto and practical pig.( 4 )
Lot#115: Bread labels 1950 disney characters sleepy snow white and thumper ( 3 )
Lot#116: Bread labels 1950 disney characters timothy sneezy and toby tortoise ( 4 )
Lot#117: Terror monsters Rosan #88 head shrinker ex #89 Konga exmt. ( 10 )
Lot#118: Terror monsters rosan the apeman #91 exmt 70 terror beyond space exmt ( 10 )
Lot#119: Terror monsters rosan #74 rodan exmt #90 the 13th ghost nm. ( 10 )
Lot#120: Terror monsters rosan #121 blood Dracula nm 111 witch strikes nm ( 12 )
Lot#121: Terror monsters rosan #92 chicker nm and 116 mummy curse exmt ( 10 )
Lot#122: Terror monsters rosan #93 allicator people nm #130 13th ghost vgx. ( 10 )
Lot#123: Baseball 1987 rak pack Donruss Whitaker and Bosley redus on top. ( 2 ) $2
Lot#124: superman II rak pack 1978 48 cards with #9 Bumbling Otis ( 6 )
Lot#125: Cracker jack ball park legend Thurman Munson rare. ( 3 ) $3
Lot#126: terror Tales 1967 topps rare #20 60 and #77 rare. Vgx. ( 7 )
Loit#127: Dogs Canadian 21 different 21 different post cereals exmt /nm ( 14 )
Lot#128: Dogs 17 different world-wide blank backs smaller than regular cards.( 8 )
Lot#129: Canada centennial cards60 plus cards include #1 with duplications ( 6 )
Lot#130: Firefighters bowman #59 vgx #43 exmt #15 vgx and #9 exmt. ( 6 )
Lot#131: 1930s Rosen Soldier cards #5 Germany g and #7 Belgium good.( 5 ) $5
Lot#132: 1930s Rosen soldier cards #12 England good and #16 g Australia ( 5 ) $5
Lot#133: The Saint Roger Moore Denmark 43 33 41 64 and 65. Scarce ( 4 )
Lot#134: Mod Squad #29 exmt 31 nm 32 exmt #8 exmt. ( 4 ) $6
Lot#135: Mod Squad #15 exmt 16 exmt 17 exmt and 18 exmt 1968. ( 4 ) $4
Lot#136: Mod Squad #21 ex 19 exmt 51 ex 9 exmt 10 ex+ ( 4 ) $6
Lot#137: Mod Squad #11 exmt 12 exmt 13 nm and 14 ex. ( 4 ) $8
Lot#138: Space 1957 #61 vg 14 vgx 17 vgx and 20 vg. ( 3 )
Lot#139: fighting marines #30 vg 21vgx 20vg 45 vgx 17 vg 13 ex 11 vgx. ( 4 )
Lot#140: Fighting marines Women marine #16 vgx 5 31 65 4 and 2. Vgx.( 4 )
Lot#141: Coins 1963 proof set in mint plastic but envelope is missing. ( 20 )
Lot#142: Coins 1959 proof set in mint plastic but no envelope.some tinting ( 20 ) $20
Lot#143: Coins Ben Franklin Bu 1954-d half. ( 10 )$13
Lot#144: Coins Ben Franklin Bu 1963 hlaf. ( 10 ) $10
Lot#145: Coins 1952 Carver Bu half dollar. ( 10 ) $10
Lot#146: Coins 1961 Ben Ben franklin Bu half dollar. ( 10 ) $10
Lot#147: Coins Ben franklin half Choice Bu 1958. ( 10 ) $10
Lot#148: Coins Walking liberty halve vF+ 1935 and 1936 vf. ( 20 ) $20
Lot#149: Coins walking liberty half 1944 vf and 1912 good barber halr. ( 20 ) $24
Lot#150:Coins 1925 stone mountain Commerative halve au+. ( 22 ) $22
Lot#151: unopened rak score 1988 baseball pack with Tartabull and Billy Ripkin ( 2 )
Lot#152: Unopened rak score 1988 baseball two one with Dave Parker 108 cds.( 4 )
Lot#153: Unopend baseball wax packs Three 1988 leaf and 1 1988 Donruss. ( 2 )
Lot#154: Unopened baseball raks 1988 Caneseco . ( 3 ) $3
Lot#155: unopened baseball 1988 topps rack with Mike Maddux . ( 3 ) $3
Lot#156: Saturday night fever 35 nm cards with some dupes. ( 2 ) $2
Lot#157: Boxing Kayo 35 cards includes Charles j Johnson Patterson and Walcott.( 2 )
Lot#158: boxing Kayo 1991 37 mt cards include J Sullivann Douglas jake Lamotta ( 2 )
Lot#159: Topps Mars Attack 1988 mt 6 35 8 26 2 45 36 25 21 31 24 37 50 52 49. ( 3 )
Lot#160:Wizard of Oz 48 cards nm 1990 pacific minor dupes. ( 2 )
Lot#161: The Simpsons 1990 40 cards min dupes. ( 2 )
Lot#162: Baseball 1986 rak fleer 45 mint cards. ( 10 )
Lot#163: G-men heroes of law #92 very good #111 vergy good and #139 vgx ( 6 ) $11
Lot#164: G-me heroes of law #92 good #46 vg and #60 vgx. ( 6 ) $10
Lot#165: G-men heroes of law #107 vg togher number and #42 vg. ( 8 ) $14
Lot#166: Pirates picture cards #22 vg #21 vg 1930s. ( 5 ) $5
Lot#167: Pirates picture cards #20 good+ #19 good. 1930s ( 4 ) $5
Lot#168: Good guys and bad Belle star #63 ex #49 exmt james #39 ex. ( 4 )
Lot#169: Good guys and bad #32 ext 31 ex329 Bowie ex #27 Garrett ex+.( 4 )
Lot#170: Good guys and bad #71 buffalo Cody exmt #24 exmt #66 exmt ( 4 )
Lot#171: good guys and bad guys #10 black bard exmt 17 ex+ 67 ex+ 69 exmt.( 4 )
Lot#172: First Column defender 1940 #14 light liberty good #8 color guard vg 11 glue. ( 5 ) $5
Lot#173: Look ne See #48 magellan vg #25 fair and #131 vgx. ( 4 )
Lot#174: Baseball 1953 topps #185 vgx #192 good #199 vg. ( 6 )
Lot#175: Frontier days #43 nm #19 exmt #20 nm 21 nm. ( 6 )
Lot#176: Frontier Days #22 vgx 23 exmt 24 nm 31 nm 33 ex. ( 5 ) $5
Lot#177: Frontier Days 334 nm #39 exmt #40 exmt #48 nm.( 5 )
Lot#178: Frontier days #9 nm #17 nm 48 ex #47 exmt+.( 5 )
Lot#179: Creature feature you die laughing 1973 37 cards a few dupes.vgx+. ( 6 )
Lot#180:Space cards 1957 12 15 82 74 and 85. Average excellent.( 4 ) $4
Lot#181: Freedom war 65 vgx 158 vg 166 g 189 vg 117 g 140vgx 144vg.(4 )
Lot#182: Coins 1927 peace dollar etra/fine/ au. ( 27 ) $32
Lot#183: Coins 1922 peace dollar Bu. Nice. ( 28 )
Lot#184: Coins 1926-s peace dollar extra fine+. (27 )
Lot#185: Coins morgan dollar 1886 extra fine/au. ( 26 ) $26
Lot#186: Coins morgan dollar 1888-0 au++ ( 28 )
Lot#187: Coins morgan dollar 1884-0 au++. ( 28 )$28
Lot#188: Superman 1966 #50 ex42 vgx 51 faikr 62 good and #49 g with some ink.( 3 )
Lot#189:Civil War News #40 exmt #84 nmt #83 ex and #77 ex. ( 4 ) $4
Lot#190: Civil War News #27 nm #23 nm #17 nm #83 exmt. ( 4 ) $4
Lot#191: Uncle Sam #41 exmt #45 exmt #50 ex and #51 ex. ( 4 ) $4
Lot#192: Uncle Sam 1941 #53 exmt #57 ex #61 ex #58 ex. ( 4 ) $4
Lot#193: Uncle Sam #5 nm #7 ex #9 exmt ( 3 ) $3
Lot#194: Batman Black #25 ex #13 vgx #18 ex #28 vg and #20 ex. ( 5 )
Lot#195: Batman black #26 vgx 29 vg 33 ex+ #27 good+ and #44 vg. ( 4 )
Lot#196:1965 snoopy fighters blank back four different wonder bread. ( 5 )
Lot#197: 1939 The second world war #158 vgx #156 ex and #155 vgx+. ( 4 )
Lot#198:1939 the second world war 171 exmt 168 ex and 166 ex. ( 4 )
Lot#199: 1939 the second world war #165 ex 161 ex 163 vgx and #160 vgx.( 4 )
Lot#200: Horrors of War #13 good #31 fair #55 poor and #65 good. ( 4 ) $5
Lot#201: Horrors of War #67 p 68 f 74 poor 75 fair.( 2 ) $2
Lot#202: Horrors of War #75 vg #8 p #78 fair #81 good. ( 4 )$4
Lot#203:Horrors of War #94 fair+ 95 Fair+ #97g 111 gs125 p 129 vg.( 4 ) $4
Lot#204: Coins 1821 Bust quarter strong good +. ( 50 ) $50
Lot#205: Coins 1853 ½ dime arrows fine/vfine. ( 15 ) $15
Lot#206: Coins 1840 ½ dime very fine ( 17 ) $17
Lot#207: Coins ½ dime 1871 very fine. ( 16 ) $16
Lot#208:Coins 2025 new silver eagles. Bu from the mint. ( 34 )
Lot#209: Coins 2025 new silver eagles. Bu from mint. (34 )
Lot#210:Coins 2025 new silver eagles bu from mint.( 34 )
Lot#211:Coins 2025 new silver eagles bu from the mint. ( 34 )
Lot#212: Coins 1885-0 Morgan dollar uncirculated. ( 27 ) $27
Lot#213: Coins 1887 unc small tarnish near hairline. ( 27 )
Lot#214: Sally Star WFil channel 6 portrail exhibit card minor stains on back. ( 2 ) $2
Lot#215: Baseball Score rak 1988 Ruben Sierra 54 cards. ( 2 )
Lot#216: Phila non-sport show promo cards with Garbage pail Adam Bomb.( 2 )
Lot#217:Boxing Kayo 1991 Joe Frazier Roberto Duran Ezzard Charle 50 cards. Mt ( 2 )
Lot#218: Mixed Lot Soldier #14 Poland rosen 1933s Combat #60 roger moore #46 mod squad #25 (3) $4
Lot#219: Baseball unopened packs 1981 Donruss 1987 fleer ad 1989 fleer. ( 9 )
Lot#220: Coins Proof choice 1964 Kennedy half dollar. ( 12 )
Lot#221: Coins Choice proof Franklin half dollar 1957 ( 12 )
Lot#222: Baseball unopened cello 1984 fleer pack 28 cards. ( 10 )
Lot#223: Baseball unopened fleer 1984 cello pack 28 cards.( 10 )
Lot#224: Baseball Scoops #27 Bob Feller fair to good. ( 4 )
Lot#225: bring em back alive 1950 72 g 67 g 40 fair #36 vg #93 ex+.( 4 )
Lot#226: Hopalong Cassidy 1950 #2 g 8 poor 18 g 20 vgx 24 vg. ( 4 )
Lot#227: Hopalong Cassidy 1950 #22 f 27 g #31 vg 32 g 50 fair+.( 3 )
Lot#228: Hopalong Cassidy 58 g 61 fair 62 fair 63 g 65 vg. ( 4 )
Lot#229: Hopalong Cassidy 1950 #66 f 67 vgx 73 g 76 g 78 poor.( 3 )
Lot#230:Hopalong Cassidy 1950 80 f 83 g 85 g 86 f 87 good.( 4 )
Lot#231: Hopalong Cassidy 1950 89 vg 91 sg 94 fair 97 fair 98 p. ( 3 )
Lot#232: Crockett green starter lot 12 17 18 23 31 35 36 37 41 42. Avg good(5 )
Lot#233:Crockett green starter46 52 55 56 66 63 68 69 70 72 73 76 78 Avg vg( 6 )
Lot#234: Pulver picture co #118 Trebouchet nm+. ( 20 )
Lot#235: Pulver picture co Bombing planes nm ( 18 )
Lot#236: F278-19 Roy Rogers #1 and #2 intact. ( 15 )
Lot#237: F278-19 Roy Rogers #3 and #7 intact excellent condition. ( 14 )
Lot#238: F278-19 roy Rogers #8 and #9 intact nice shape. ( 13)
Lot#239: F278-19 Roy Rogers #10 with bullet And #12 intact nice condition.( 15 )
Lot#240: R708 Funny Foldees #61 #54 #53 #42 #66. ( 5 )
Lot#241:R708 Funny Foldees #31 36 38 #29 and #23. ( 6 )
Lot#242: R708 funny foldees #31 38 11 8 40 #4 with dog ( 6 )
Lot#243: Ringside Boxing #6 walcott g #92 hostak crs. ( 5 ) $5
Lot#244:Ringside boxing #43 suger Ray creases and #53 antonino Rocca g. ( 6 )$6
Lot#245: T218 athletes Willliam Hoppe vgx and Charlie low golf vgx. ( 8 )
Lot#246: R20 BATTLE ship 1938 #41 u s s nitro and #9 USS Arkansas both ex+. ( 9 )
Lot#247: R51-2 Flags of World Wilbur Chocolate complete set 35 cards. ( 23 )
Lot#248: R709-7b Man on the Moon 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 nm. ( 8 )
Lot#249: R709-7b Man on the moon 67 68 69 70 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 nm( 9 )
Lot#250: Tarzan Dark crystal R143 #49 fair+ and #34 vgx+ tarzan vs Lothar ( 10 )
Lot#251: Tarzan Dark Crystal R143 #38 the warning. Ex +. ( 10 )
Lot#252: T68 Heroes of History royal bengals little cigars cyrus field ex+ and richelu ( 5 )
Lot#253: R28 Cartoon adventure #437 Buck Raogers 1936 vg. ( 10 )
Lot#254: League of nations R80 #14 China very good. ( 5 )
Lot#255:Coins Walking liberty missing 16d on obverse 17d rev the 1921 is in good missing 21d and 21s complete up to 1936-d. seven are very fine 9 fine rest are good very good 2 ag. ( 320 )
Lot#256: Coins Washington quarters completre 1932 to 1945-d. 49.25 face( 200 )
Lot#257: Score Baseball unopened box 1992 Mattingly on front Diaggio auto possible.( 8)
Lot#258: N9 Flags of nations allen & Ginter Scotland ( 4 ) $5
Lot#259: N187 fancy bathers Kimball saint briac ex. ( 4 )
Lot#260:N305 Head Dresses of various nations mayo cut plug. Vgx ( 4 )
Lot#261:T99 Sights and Sound of World Jungfrau lake Killarney rome collsum ( 4 )
Lot#262: Three Stooges promo card picture with stooges and kid stooges promo.( 5 )
Lot#263: F280-3 space card space refueling ex++ rice chex and wheat chex. ( 12 )
Lot#264: Mixed Lot #62 paying ransom pirates pic 1930s vgx+ #87 war news. ( 4 )
Lot#265: N218 famous Gems Aquvmarine vgx and diamond exmt. ( 8 )
I believe in sportsmanship first. The sport is the game, and we are all in it together. While I am very competitive, I also want to support all the competitors as we strive to make the sport of tennis great. I work every day to better myself and to better the game.
Your generous contributions have helped get me here! Thank you so much!
Thank you to everyone who has supported me and helped make my dreams come true! I couldn't have done it without you. Now it's time to get back to training!
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Mary Lou Retton
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The Field
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7500 West Side Avenue, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047, United States phone 215-822-1834 Email:
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